Weiss Ratings is an online database that includes important financial literacy tools powered by Grey House Publishing. The database is available to MPHPL cardholders free of charge via the mphpl.org/databases website. The database gives MPHPL cardholders free access to powerful tools that can protect your finances, help you invest wisely, grow your wealth and learn more about finances.
How do you know if your bank or credit union is financially stable? Did you pick the best life insurance or property insurance company? Are you getting the best deal on your medigap insurance? Which mutual fund will give you the best return? Which stocks are the best to choose? The financial questions you face in life can be endless, but with the help of Weiss Ratings you will be better equipped to answer those questions.
With access to more than 40,000 investment ratings on stocks, mutual funds and exchange traded funds and 21,000 safety ratings on banks, credit unions and insurance companies, you’ll enjoy unprecedented coverage of the investments and companies you want to follow.
Plus, you can create your own personal profile on the Weiss Ratings website and track your own watchlist, get upgrade or downgrade alerts and log in from anywhere!

Financial Ratings Series Online users have said…
“Provides one-stop shopping in a user-friendly online format for consumers, investors, investment analysts, money managers and students.”
“Astonishing information, all in one place that took about two minutes to locate. I really admire the power and simplicity.”
Weiss Ratings is designed to direct you toward safe banking and insurance options and strong investments while helping you avoid unnecessary risk that could lead to financial losses.
Ratings deployed by Weiss pay close attention to safety and risk avoidance. Unlike issuer-pay rating agencies and most Wall Street research firms, which have often given their top ratings to high-risk companies that then crashed or failed, Weiss Ratings has a long track record of downgrading unsafe companies well ahead of time. The New York Times wrote that Weiss was “the first to warn of the dangers and say so unambiguously,” and Barron’s reported that Weiss is the “leader in identifying vulnerable companies.” With respect to the profit performance of Weiss Stock Ratings during a market decline, The Wall Street Journal reported that Weiss ranked #1, ahead of all major rating agencies and research companies covered, including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Standard & Poor’s.
Weiss does not accept any compensation from the companies or investments it rates, and they cannot preview the ratings or suppress publication for any reason, so you will always have unbiased information.
Weiss Financial Ratings Series has everything you need to create and improve a financial plan at any stage in life. Get started today by logging on to Weiss Ratings today.
Update 2024: The Weiss Financial Ratings Series is no longer a free database provided by MPHPL for cardholders. Visit the MPHPL Online Resource Page to explore Value Line.