VetNow – Free Online Resources for Veterans
The VetNow™ database supports our community’s veterans and their families with navigating the VA bureaucracy, providing academic tutoring and employment transition assistance. VetNow live navigators are available free to all MPHPL patrons from any computer or mobile device seven days a week from 2-11 p.m.
Cardholders Have Free Access to Gale LegalForms
Everyone needs legal assistance at one time or another. Rest assured MPHPL has Gale LegalForms resources ready for library card holders. Gale LegalForms is relevant to Indiana laws. There are categories like divorce, bankruptcy, power of attorney, and incorporation, among others.
MPHPL Partners with Ivy Tech Community College to Host Job Fair
The Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library is partnering with Ivy Tech Community College to host a Job Fair on Wednesday, October 5, from 1-4 p.m. at the Mishawaka Library. Several local employers from various industries will be available to discuss employment opportunities.
Aging & Wellness Resource Fair
The Aging & Wellness Resource Fair will be held at the Mishawaka Library from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24! Aging Connections is a nonprofit grassroots cooperative that provides quality educational programs and community resources.
Michiana Company Restores Harris Branch Patio Furniture
Anyone who owns outdoor patio furniture knows how real the challenge can be when trying to preserve its longevity after a few outdoor seasons in Michiana. We know the struggle all too well with having patio furniture in our beautiful courtyard areas at two of our libraries.
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month
Since 1987, Library Card Sign-Up Month has been held each September to mark the beginning of the school year. During the month, the American Library Association and libraries unite in a national effort to ensure every child signs-up for their own library card.
Cardholders Have Free Access to Library Edition
The Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library purchased the Library Edition multi-state collection digital archive subscription for all cardholders.
18th Annual River Bend Quilt Show at Mishawaka Library
The River Bend Quilt Guild will be hosting their 18th annual Quilt Show at the Mishawaka Library over a three-day period starting on Thursday, Aug. 25. The public is invited to attend free of charge.
MPHPL Receives $500 Donation to Purchase Youth Books
The downtown Mishawaka Library has a new collection of books about sustainability for children thanks to three University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business students. The trio donated $500 to purchase 41 books in various fiction and non-fiction titles to fit the scope of climate change-related topics for learners in grades six and under.
MPHPL Promotes Ashley Cornwell to Adult Services Coordinator
The Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library is pleased to announce the promotion of Ashley Cornwell to the position of Adult Services Coordinator.